Miami Essential Dental

Even though oral cancer gets less attention than other types of cancer, that does not imply that it is any less deadly. Oral cancer is widespread and has taken many lives. The disease is dangerous as it mostly gets detected at an advanced stage where treatment seldom works. When you come to Miami Essential Dental Clinic for your regular check-ups, we conduct oral cancer screening. We look for early signs of the disease, as early detection will help in curing the problem.

The oral cancer screening procedure is painless and fast. Your dentist will look for any abnormal growth in your mouth. They would also collect a small amount of your tissue lining and send it to the lab for further investigation.

Anyone can get oral cancer these days. Previously, only older people were prone to this disease, but now even young adults are affected by it. The chances of getting an oral cancer increase if you are:

  • Heavy drinker
  • Long term tobacco user
  • Remaining exposed under the sun for an extended time
  • If you had oral cancer previously

At Miami Essential Dental Clinic, we conduct oral cancer screenings whenever you come for your regular dental check-up. However, if you notice abnormal sores or change in the tissues’ color inside your mouth, lips, tongue, etc. that can be a matter of concern. If you are experiencing a sore in your mouth that is not going away even after three weeks, contact us immediately. Early detection and regular check-ups can help you to build up your defenses against this deadly disease.