Miami Essential Dental

Periodontics is that branch of dentistry that focuses mainly on inflammatory gum diseases and problems related to the structures that surrounds the teeth. A periodontist specializes mainly in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of all types of periodontal diseases. If you are facing any periodontal problems of late, then visit us at Miami Essential Dental Clinic. We have expert periodontists here and our clinic is equipped with the latest technology for diagnosing and treating periodontal disease. They can also help you with cosmetic periodontal treatments.

We offer different types of periodontal treatments at our clinic including:

  • Periodontal maintenance cleanings- This procedure is performed to clean your teeth thoroughly. This is an important dental treatment procedure that can help you to prevent different types of periodontal problems.
  • Scaling and root planing- This is popularly known as deep cleaning which helps in treating chronic periodontal disease
  • Crown lengthening- This procedure helps in exposing more tooth structure so that different types of restorative treatments like bridges can be performed on it
  • Gum Grafting- this one is performed in order to correct the gum recession effects. This is a simple surgery wherein periodontists take healthy gum tissues from the roof of your mouth and place it where the gums have receded
  • Bone Grafting- In order to get a dental implant, you would need to have healthy jaw bones. In case your jawbones have eroded, then the bone grafting surgery helps to replace and regenerate the lost bones

Some of your periodontal needs can be fulfilled by general dentists. However, if you have a complicated problem then that can be solved with the help of an expert periodontist. When you visit Miami Dental Clinic, our dentist will first check the condition of your teeth. If required, they will also take an X-ray for better understanding of the situation. After thorough examination and studying your reports, they will decide if you really need a periodontist or not. So if you are facing any type of dental problems, then do not hesitate to contact us today!