Miami Essential Dental

If you have lost your teeth due to damage, decay or other infections, then dental implant is indeed a great choice. It is a safe and a long term treatment procedure. The process of dental implant basically involves insertion of titanium screws in your jaws so as to hold restorative structures like bridges and dentures in place. The implants get fused with your jawbones and form a strong base that can hold your artificial teeth. But in case you do not have enough jawbones to support the implant, then bone grafting can prove to be helpful. At Miami Essential Dental, we have expert dental surgeons who can perform bone grafting very efficiently.

The process of bone grafting basically involves removing a piece of your bones from other parts of your body and transplanting the same in your jawbones. Once the transplantation is done, it will take a few months for your transplanted bones to grow enough new bones so that it can support your dental implants. Then after the insertion of implants, it will again take a few months for your jawbones to fuse with the titanium screw.

The dental implant surgery is performed in a few steps. Firstly, your damaged tooth will be removed. Then your jawbones will be prepared for the surgery in which one might need to undergo the bone grafting procedure.

The process of bone grafting is even though time consuming but it is very essential before you can undergo the implant process. After the completion of the surgery, patients might experience discomfort such as swelling of gums, skin or minor bleeding. You would also have to follow some diet restrictions like eating soft and cold food during the process of gum grafting as well as after undergoing the dental implant surgery.

The bone grafting helps in improving your facial contour. If you have lost your tooth due to decay or injury, then bone loss is very common in such cases. By performing the bone grafting procedure, your dentists will be able to give a solid base to your implants.