Miami Essential Dental

Chipped teeth and gaps between the teeth can be rectified easily with cosmetic bonding, also known as tooth bonding. In this procedure, a tooth-colored composite resin material is applied to your teeth’ surface to improve your smile. Firstly, we use a conditioning gel to roughen your teeth, followed by the composite resin. We then apply ultraviolet light, which helps to harden it. The dentist will then shape and polish the resin so that you can get the desired results. If you want to get the best cosmetic bonding experience living in Miami, contact us at Miami Essential Dental Clinic today!

Bonding requires minimal preparation of teeth. You would not need local anesthesia unless you have any old restoration or decay present. Other advantages of dental bonding are:

  • The treatment procedure is very affordable compared to others
  • It is a time-saving method as your teeth will not need any preparation before the treatment, and also the whole process can be completed in a single visit.
  • The procedure involves minimal tooth removal, which will lead to the preservation of your natural teeth.

Although there are many benefits of dental bonding, you should remember that the resin stains over time. Its durability is less compared to other treatments like veneers and crowns.

So depending on the conditions of your teeth and budget, our dentist at Miami Essential Dental will assist you in picking up the right treatment method.

If you have undergone tooth bonding, you will need to take good care of them to make the results last. Make sure to maintain your oral hygiene by brushing and flossing at least twice daily. Avoid foods that are hard, crunchy, or chewy as they can weaken the bonding. Cosmetic bonding is not very good at resisting stains, so try to avoid stained drinks like tea, cola, wine, and tobacco products. With these few changes in your lifestyle, you will take good care of the bonding and your teeth.