Miami Essential Dental

Dental emergencies can occur at any time without an alarm. Following dental hygiene routines surely does save your teeth from a lot of oral problems but dental emergencies are sometimes inevitable. Going to your dentist immediately after a dental emergency has occurred is very important. It can decide between saving and losing your teeth. But before that, you need to understand which cases are referred to as a dental emergency. Otherwise, delaying your visit can lead you to more pain and expenses. We at Miami Essential Dental Clinic have the best emergency dental services in the town. Our clinic has trained staff and advanced technologies to handle all of your oral emergency problems.

Now we will discuss some of the most common dental emergencies. If you are affected by any of them, we will suggest you contact us immediately for assistance.

  • Cracked tooth- There are various causes behind a cracked tooth. It can occur if you bite on something hard or if you have bruxism. Also, with increasing age, your teeth can get weakened. Whatever might be the reason you should visit your dentist for proper treatment. If there is swelling, apply an ice pack in that area.
  • Trauma- It is a widespread dental emergency that can even lead to your tooth loss. It is generally caused by accidents that can dislodge the teeth and cause bleeding. If you are facing such a situation, then do not waste any time. Take your fallen tooth, wash it, and try to put it back on your root socket. If you cannot do that, then dip your tooth in a bowl of milk and immediately rush to your dentist.
  • Severe toothache- There can be many causes behind severe toothache. Pulpal, gum abscess, etc. can also cause a lot of pain and discomfort. It can also lead to painful biting and chewing. Wisdom teeth can also cause you pain if it tries to grow at a weird angle. Whatever might be the reason, if you are experiencing severe tooth pain, you should contact your dentist without any delay.
  • Lost fillings- This is also extremely common, and it can become an emergency if you experience severe pain or inflammation due to lost fillings. The inflammation occurs when your tooth roots get infected with bacteria. It is an emergency, and your dentist will first work on removing the decay and then will give you a new filling.
  • Crown coming off- If you wear temporary crowns, they can go out, and if it happens, you should visit the dentist immediately. Your dentist will first check your teeth’ condition, and then he will also provide you with a replacement crown.