Miami Essential Dental

Periodontal maintenance cleanings refer to the procedure that helps in cleaning your teeth thoroughly. It is a necessary dental treatment that ensures the prevention of different types of periodontal problems. Gingivitis occurs when plaque gets accumulated in the gum tissues, and this colonization causes severe inflammation and irritation. As a response, your body would destroy the gum and bone tissues, due to which teeth start to get loose and eventually fall off. The gingivitis bacteria can also travel through your bloodstream and infect your overall health. So if you notice any inflammation or irritations on your gum line, then contact us at Miami Essential Dental. Our expert periodontist will conduct the maintenance cleanings and do all the necessary treatments to keep gingivitis away.

Some benefits offered by this thorough cleaning technique will include:

  • Tartar Removal- Tartar is the hardened form of plaque that builds above or below your gum line. It can cause serious periodontal problems if left untreated. Tartar is tough and remains unremovable by a regular oral hygiene routine. So periodontal cleaning helps in removing that.
  • Aesthetics- The process helps remove stains from your teeth to give you that healthy white smile.
  • Fresh breath- Periodontal diseases are accompanied by bad breath. With the removal of tartar and rotten food particles from teeth through periodontal cleanings, you will get rid of the bad breath.

The maintenance cleanings involve a list of things that would include:

  • Cleaning the area above the gum line to get rid of plaque and calculus.
  • Then your tooth roost will be smoothed to eliminate any remaining bacteria
  • We also give medications to heal your gum pockets faster and ease you out from discomfort

It would be best to come to our clinic once every three to four months to keep your teeth free from all types of plaque build-up and bacteria. If you want to know more about the treatment method, contact us at Miami Essential Dental Clinic today.