Miami Essential Dental

A smile makeover involves one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures to improve the way your smile appears. The treatment considers your facial appearance, skin tone, and other facial aspects before giving the perfect makeover to your smile. The method mainly involves your preferences. If you want to provide a whole new makeover to your smile, contact us at Miami Essential Dental Clinic. We have on board some of the most experienced cosmetic dentists who would first conduct a thorough check-up and then apply the cosmetic dental treatment suitable to your needs. We will do it all only after discussing the course of treatment with you. Your comfort and preferences are our priority.

We rectify all cosmetics concerns with the help of smile makeover treatment like:

  • Tooth color
  • Alignment and spacing between the teeth

  • Missing teeth
  • Uneven, chipped and cracked teeth
  • An unshaped or aging face can be improved with specific procedures in the smile makeover category to give fuller lips, smile, and cheeks

Firstly, to maintain the results of a smile makeover, you should maintain your oral hygiene routine properly. Also, visit our dental clinic at least twice a year to ensure that your teeth are in its best condition. For example, if you have porcelain veneers on your teeth, they can get damaged over time and need replacement. They would also ensure that no other oral problems, like cavities or bacterial plaque, have developed. If so, then they would conduct the necessary treatment.

So if you want perfect teeth and smile, delay no further and contact us at Miami Essential Dental Clinic today!